The reading An education in citizenship is about the dispute between in and out of state tuition rates. The writer of this reading states how out of state u.s citizens are being neglected and are paying more for college tuition than in state citizens. The writer also states how illegal immigrants are granted the same tuition rate as in state citizens. The author feels that it is absurd how citizens born in the u.s have to pay a higher tuition rate in other states,but illegal immigrants receiving the same tuition rate as in state citizens.I disagree with the author in this reading.0-
The writer states how the government seems to put the law of human rights in the backseat. And how the government really isn't doing much to uphold the law of human rights.By making out of state u.s citizens pay more for college tuition than in state citizens and immigrants. The reason I disagree with this is that if the immigrants are unable to pay for tuition it leads to more young people being involved in negative activities.Such as gangs,drug dealing or drug using. It will limit the growth and success of citizens in this country immigrants or not. Immigrants coming to America have less of an opportunity than people born in America.
The author also states that out of state citizens should be granted the same tuition rates due to there parents federal tax going towards the Pell grants of the(in state colleges) Illinois university's budget. I do feel that there should be an agreement that all, in state,out of state,and immigrants in the u.s can pay the current (in state) tuition rate so that way it's more fair to all three parties.Whether that agreement can be accomplished or not I feel that granting immigrants a better opportunity to afford school is just like any other charity organization we have in this country. We should be looking to help people less fortunate than us. Besides the out of state citizens still
have schools within their own state to fall back on,immigrants do not.
Therefore I feel the author has some good points on this issue in the u.s. But I thing the author is overseeing that there are people out their that are way less fortunate than we are. Citizens in the u.s have been spoiled into thinking that we should always have better treatment than everyone else. If it was the other way around and immigrants had to pay more for college than all u.s students we would have nothing to say about it.
There is only one essay so i don't know how many improvements you have made from your first one.Missing a good general introductory sentence.Title of the passage needs quotations.Summary is a bit confusing.You state "out of state u.s citizens are being neglected and are paying more for college tuition than in state citizens''.That is the way it's suppose to be. Significant idea you agree with in your thesis isn't stated.2 Body paragraphs are just lacking a little development.