Thursday, November 3, 2011

blog 5 gone baby gone

 In the movie gone baby gone a girl amanda was kidnapped for her best interest in the eyes of officer remy and lionel.Patrick was on the ethical side and felt that amanda should be returned to her mother helena.While officer remy and lionel were on the consequentialism side and though she should be taking away from her mother.

Consequentialism is taking fate into your own hands like officer remy and lionel did with kidnapping amanda to give her a better life.For example if a dog is being abused by its owner some people might feel that stealing the dog and saving it from abuse would be the right thing to do.But stealing is against the law no matter the situation.

Ethical Absolutism is the opposite of  consequentialism and patrick felt that amanda should be returned to her mother. Regaurdless if she had  a better life than her previous one. Ethical Absolutism is what you no to be the right answer not assuming that what you think is the write answer. For example you may have proof that someone stole a game and you might feel the right to steal the game back because you feel that the person was wrong.But if you steal that game it makes you a theif as well.

I feel that the movie is more on the Consequentialism side because they make patrick seem wrong for bringing amanda to helena her mother.Everyone in the movie disagreed with him and he probably wasn't even sure himself if putting amanda in that living situation was the right thing to do.

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