The reading Is music a good tool for health by Elizabeth scott is a passage on music therapy and the various positive effects that music has on the human body. The writer speaks on music being used to help,cancer patients and kids who have attetion problems. i agree with the writers point on how music can play a big role on peoples recovery from illnesses and other issues in their life.
The writer states in the first paragraph of the passage,how music therapy is starting to use music to help cancer patients. I agree with that because there is proof that music can help with illnesses. About a year ago I was watching the news and heard a story about a boy who was in a colma for a while. For whatever reason an nsync song was playing and the boy started moving his arms and legs. The music woke the boy up from his colma,and later in a interview with the boy he told the reporter that nsync was his favorite band to listen ton. So I do feel that music can reach a deep part inside of us that other treatment cant.
Another detail from the passage I agree with is how music can help people with concentration problems. The writer states in the second paragraph how faster beats bring sharper concentration and more alert thinking. For example over the summer i had to study for the rct test at my high school to get my diploma. I had to study alot of material in a short amount of time and I would get stressed out. I found that studying in a dark quiet room made me depressed and added on to my stress. Therefore making it harder for me to concentrate. My friend gave good advice and said why not make studying more fun by changing the mood of it. He suggested playing some music to bring more life in the room . I found that his advice worked,the music really cheered me up and took off some of the added stress due to lack of interest. And I ended up passing the rct because I was able to make studying more interesting with music.
Therefore the author has made a good point and I feel music can play a role in solving people issues in society today. Whether it is with illness or depression.
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